KENAI, AK - Today's issue of the Peninsula Clarion revealed that Sister Joyce Ross, R.S.M., and Sister Joan Barina, M.M.S., were "Restricted by Canon Law" during their 30 year tenure at Our Lady of the Angels parish in Kenai.
This comes as a surprise to just about everyone, including the sisters themselves.
Here's the quote, from an article written by Phil Hermanek:
Restricted by Canon Law in which official duties they can perform, the sisters were allowed to baptize, perform marriages, conduct funeral services and conduct eucharistic services.
No mention was made as to which authority "allows" the sisters to baptize, perform marriages, conduct funerals, and eucharistic services.
An equally startling epiphany was that which Sr. Joyce believed to be her most outstanding achievement in 30 years:
...the fact that we were able to meet and associate with the people in all the Christian communities. We got so much more from them than we gave.
No mention of the Church, sacraments, catechesis, or any other distinctively Catholic traits was made by either nun.
Please pray for Sr. Joan and Sr. Joyce and the parishioners they have influenced - for good or ill - at Our Lady of the Angels.
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