KENAI, AK - The Good Friday Liturgy at Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Kenai, Alaska, was conducted by Sister Joyce Ross, R.C.M., while Reverend Andy Sensenig, O.M.I., played the cello.
In the pictures above, Sr. Joyce venerates the altar while Fr. Andy plays the cello, then - garbed in an alb - she leads the congregation in prayer while Fr. Andy stands behind.
This is in direct disobedience to the rubrics for the Good Friday liturgy, as outlined by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
More to follow.
Part 1 of 2 posts. (For those who know me I have a lot to say and could not fit it all on one post:)
ReplyDeleteI have been reading this blog for about 2 months trying to understand it. I am not a computer person, have never even visited a blog before, and I have never studied Cannon Law. I have a simple, happy life as a military wife and mom who has had to move every 3 years for the last 14 years. I think of myself as a good Catholic person. I strive to be honest, forgiving and not judgmental. I am by no means perfect and yes, I am a sinner. I know I can NOT get into any debate with any one of you because half of what I am reading I do not understand, nor do I want to debate. I only want to say something nice about the sisters and maybe, just maybe, make you see things from a different point of view. I have, however, attended church every Sunday for 38 years, taught and attended several study groups and RCIA classes at every parish I have ever attended. I have only been here in the parish for 3 years. When I moved to the area the first thing I did was find the Catholic Church. We were greeted immediately by 2 little women who welcomed us with a hug and a smile. We have also found that the people in the church are every welcoming and kind. Once we became established in the parish, we became involved in RCIA, Generations of Faith and other church events and groups. The only negative we have found was that this church has a definite separation in it like NO other church we have attended (and we have attended several catholic churches from coast to coast).
I do agree with Margaret that other churches have a different bond than Catholic churches do. I find this disturbing considering that the number of Catholics is dwindling. For those moving or visiting the area and Google OLA this blog is what comes up. Is this blog detouring people from coming into or back to the Catholic Church? I am sure it is not the only reason but I believe it is not helping. I agree with Anonymous who said we need to work together not against each other. I also agree your blog does have information that is very useful if put in a positive way. I also think the sisters are tough and can take whatever you or anyone else is saying. I know the sisters would not judge you or your blog, but embrace it, take the information and comments and find a way to use it to help others. THAT IS THE SISTERS I KNOW. The sisters are now gone and I pray you do take down certain information about them. It seems pointless to have things about the sisters considering they are not here anymore. I also agree we need to live the laws of the church, but we also need to do the right thing. I know you believe you are going the right thing, however point made. Let’s move forward not backwards.
As you can tell in my short time here I have built a strong bond with the sisters and I believe some things are worth stepping-up and saying something. They are great STRONG women who I respect and love. I only pray my girls grow-up to be as strong as they are.
No one will ever know ALL the sisters have done in the 30 years on the Peninsula, including me, but I just want them to know that I pray they have a wonderful retirement because they deserve it. Whatever the sisters have done, RIGHT OR WRONG, in their ministry here on the Peninsula only God can judge that. The sisters are wonderful women who have touched many. We miss you both already Sister Joyce and Sister Joan.
I believe it is now the job of the priests to push the church in the direction it needs to go. I also believe they will do a great job and I have much respect and faith in Father Andy, Father Joe and Father Tony. I choose to live my life looking for the good in people. I choose not to say bad things about people or the church. I choose to have a positive attitude. I choose good not bad and I choose God. We can all know the law of the church, but if we choose not to live it than all of the great information you are posting is useless. God wants us to love, be kind, help those in need and not judge others. As simple as that may sound that is how I choose to live my life.
ReplyDeleteA quick note on the whole knowing who Peter the Sinner is. I could care less who is writing this blog, but if you really believe what you are writing why not print your real name. I will not judge you. You are standing up and speaking for what you believe in as am I. A real Christian will not look at you or treat you different. I pray all of my friends, people on this blog and fellow church members will treat me with the same respect.
I will sign my name because I am proud of what I believe and who I am. I also sign my name because I want everyone to know I am proud to have known and served with Sister Joyce and Sister Joan.
God Bless you all,
Christy Franklin